Venus: Part 4

     Human dude carries me towards the front of the shop but another barred space comes into view. “Great! That’s just perfect!” I exclaim sarcastically. I start squirming and scratching because the last thing I want is to be in another prison. Human dude begins to quicken his pace while keeping me from falling to the floor but little does he know, I really want him to drop me so I can possibly make a run for it and find my way out of here. I think I would rather be roadkill than a display for humans to decide if I’m worth adopting.

     Human dude successfully sets me into the barred playpen and walks away irritated. There are bars surrounding me but the top is completely exposed for me to jump out. I jump towards the bars and attempt to climb. I don’t get very far for my paws keep slipping down, I need a better grip. I now try to experiment tunneling under the bars; but once again, it results in failure. The bars only slide with the push of my face.

     As I’m observing my surroundings trying to plot my great escape, Lion glides over the bars into my prison without any noticeable effort. Of course with his toy lodged in his mouth. I glare at him as he drops the toy and begins pawing at it with his back turned to me. “You’re a bit of a showoff, aren’t you?” I ask in a stern voice. Lion doesn’t pick up on my vibes of course, so he laughs and paws the toy in my direction. “Yeah, a little.” Lion answers just before pouncing onto his toy. I step back a little and watch this mad cat flip himself over holding his toy in place while kicking violently with his back feet. I shake my head and sprint to the other side of the playpen to check for any vulnerable areas I can maybe escape through. Lion notices.

     “You’re trying to leave?” Lion asks me in a sad voice. I don’t answer him and walk in another direction. “I promise you’ll get used to this place, it’s really not that bad. The human takes really good care of us all.” Lion explains. “I don’t want to be here. I want to escape as soon as the opportunity arrives.” I reply wanting him to leave me alone. Unfortunately, he doesn’t. “I felt the same way when I showed up, this place isn’t paradise but we still get our meals and a clean place to sleep. Just appreciate something for once in your life, not everyone has it as easy as us. We have the privilege of time out from our cages, some of the others have to spend all of their time in a tank or cage.” Lion preaches.

     I take in everything that Lion has explained and I honestly feel a little better. Maybe I should enjoy the time that I spend here, I may be adopted soon. A thought crosses my mind, “How come some of the animals can’t run around with us?” I question. Lion laughs a little then answers in the most nonchalant tone, “Because, I’ll eat them.” He continues jingling his toy about. Should I be scared or interested? “Would you eat me for a lunch?” I ask semi-joking. “Nah, you smell too bad.” Lion answers. I’m feel so offended at this moment but before I reply with anything, I smell myself, “Oh.” I answer, understanding where he’s coming from.

     Human dude stops by the pen and drops a few toys in with Lion and I. I cringe when I see the two toys that were in the box with me during my arrival, that dream still disturbs me some. I shake the feeling away and start to play with some other toy that makes crinkling noises instead. Lion and I begin to enjoy our free time for today.

     While Lion and I are goofing around, I see a shadow like figure from the corner of my eye walk by. I turn to get a better of view and it’s another cat, but much bigger than Lion and no stripes. Just as I was going to ask, Lion answers my question. “That’s Zelly, all I can tell you is just don’t try to play with her. She’ll swat you so hard, every animal in here will feel it. She only likes the humans.” I examine her some more as she strides toward human dude’s desk. She sits down then makes direct eye contact with me, I quickly look away. I face the other direction and quietly ask Lion, “Why is she like that?” Lion tries to play it off as if he wasn’t watching her either. “I think she’s just salty because of how long she’s been here.” Lion whispers to me.

     I try to glance over at her once more but she sees me. Zelly rolls her eyes and walks behind human dude’s desk then jumps onto the side of his desk to sprawl out. “Do you think she heard us?” I ask worried and also embarrassed. “Probably, I wouldn’t worry about it though.” Lion answers returning to kill his toy.

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